Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
What are you Thankful for? In my family we practice thankfulness on a daily basis. As we pray and in our devotions, each member of our family speaks about what we are thankful for. My 4 year old is amazing in his responses, and he is learning what truly matters in this life. I encourage you to take being thankful above and beyond Thanksgiving Day. Make it a habit in your everyday life. So we are going to celebrate "Thanks" this month. I thank you for blessing me with your support of this e-zine. I am honored and Blessed by each one of you.
Enjoy your Turkey Day!
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November 2009: Issue #008
Table of Contents for this Issue:
- How you can share the gift of giving with your toddler.
Learn what my family does and what your family can do to make a difference and teach your child values at the same time.
- We will have two amazing Thanksgiving Day Toddler Crafts....
I will show you how to make your very own "Thankful Tree". Your toddler will have so much FUN making the second craft "Turkey Hands".
- I will feature a great Toddler Thanksgiving recipe..
"Toddler Pumpkin Pie French Toast". :)
- Blessing News!
Our Harvest Blessing Contest Continues......
So let's share the Harvest Blessings and enjoy this issue of The Toddler Times together!
The Gift of Giving...
I began to challenge parents this month because I feel that we are in a state of sadness in this country. As the holidays approach, we should start approaching life in it's proper perspective. My husband and myself decided that when our son was born we were going to raise him up knowing that Thankfulness and Giving are two important keys to master in this life. You must never take anything for granted.
Have you ever really thought about the little things? The items we overlook in your day to day life. For example, last night I slept in a bed, with a pillow, and a blanket. When last night someone slept without those things. Someone slept on the street. The world is caught up in selfishness and not true awareness of the difference they can make in this life.
I want to ask all of you to please approach Thanksgiving this year differently. Carry out this message with you all year long. Leave your home and ask yourself what miracle may I deliver today to someone in need. Whether it be your time, a listening ear, a crying shoulder or maybe even a word. We have the ability to restore hope in the hopeless if we would get past the selfishness of our own wants, needs and desires.
Each Thanksgiving our family delivers meals to the poor. I sit and watch my 4 year old son help make the meals with other volunteers. He is so proud that his job is placing the bread in a ziploc bag. The gift that we are giving him is profound. The bigger gift lies in when we approach a home and ring the bell to deliver their meal and this same beautiful child hands them a dinner and says "Happy Thanksgiving!" Even at the age of 4 he knows that he is making a difference, one piece of bread at a time, one meal at a time, one person at a time.
As we leave and go to the next home my son lovingly says to me "Mommy, now they have food so they can eat. We brought them their food today." I say to him "Yes my son, now they can eat." I am crying as I write this e-zine because I am so Blessed and I Thank God and Praise him for his Grace and Mercy. I Thank Him for using me and my family in such mighty ways...
I challenge you to please be a miracle delivery person. Let us get back to the true gospel and feed the hungry, help the hurting and heal the sick.
Thank You Lord for all that you are and all that you give us!
Our Toddler Thanksgiving Day Crafts!
Items you will need:
- 2 yards of Brown Felt
- Pieces of Green, Yellow and Orange felt
- White Construction Paper
- Washable Markers
- Glue
- Velro
- Draw a tree trunk out of the brown felt. Make it as large or small as you wish.
- Make and cut out leaves from the different colors of felt.
- Cut out strips of the white paper and glue a strip on each leaf.
- Help your toddler come up with some things that they are thankful for and write these things on the leaves with marker. You can even have your toddler draw on some of the leaves.
- Put your tree together with the Velcro and you are ready to go.
This craft is my favorite craft of all. I find that these crafts for toddlers are a true gift. We can sometimes lose sight of what is truly important in this life. We are truly blessed and we must teach our children even at a young age the importance of being thankful. They should understand the meaning of truly giving thanks, and being blessed for all that they have.
Items You Will Need:
- Construction paper: Orange and black, red (variety of colors optional)
- Googly Glue on Eyes
- Glue Sticks
- Feathers (optional)
- Child Scissors
- Pencil
- Start by taking an orange piece of construction paper and tracing your hand and your toddlers.
- Cut out the hand print. This is going to be the base of your turkey.
- Use the thumb as the turkey’s head. Glue on a googly eye. You can cut out a little red piece for the neck. Glue feathers on each finger. Or else you can cut out feathers out of construction paper and glue them on. These crafts for toddlers make great decorations for around the house!!
** For more Great Toddler Thanksgiving Craft Ideas Click Here!
Our Thanksgiving Toddler Recipe is.. " Pumpkin Pie French Toast"
My toddler never really liked Pumpkin Pie. With this recipe he gets the taste of Pumpkin Pie in something he enjoys. Here is a Fun recipe that you can make on "Turkey Day" morning for breakfast. The entire family will Love IT!!! :0) Ingredients:
- 1 egg, beaten
- 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin (100% pumpkin)
- 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar (I use Florida Crystals Organic Brown Sugar)
- 1 dash salt
- 1 dash pumpkin pie spice
- 1 slice bread (I use Whole Wheat bread)
- 1 slice butter
- Mix all the ingredients except the bread.
- Dip the bread in the egg mixture and let it sit for about 30 seconds per side.
- Melt the butter in a pan and "fry" the bread on each side until nice and golden brown.
- Cut into sticks or small cubes and serve to your toddler! YUM!
Our November Blessings!
What are you thankful for? What is your toddler thankful for? Have you really thought about this question consistently, every day? Sadly most people do not. I decided that I wanted to change that. If you have ever taken the time to ask your toddler what they are thankful you would be amazed at how innocent and pure their responses are. I want to challenge you parents, to start asking your toddlers and yourself each day what you are thankful for. I wanted to do this for November because the need I feel is great. We should be doing this with our children every day all year long. I want to hear all about it! I also want to hear your ideas on how we can make a difference to help someone else. " Click Here for Harvest Blessings"into lives that need help. We want to hear how you and your toddler pay it forward. I will honor any blessing you share with my readers with a free e-book. At the end of November I hope the prize you receive is the gift of giving with a pure heart.
Next month is our special MERRY MERRY Christmas Issue! We will feature Blessings upon more Blessings! I am Honored to have all of you reading The Toddler Times with me! Thank You and I will see you next month! Join us next month for more exciting Toddler Times News!
Our Special Double Issue MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS e-zine will feature:
- I will share with you all of my Christmas Family Traditions starting with our pajamas!! LOL...
- Home Made Gifts are the best!
Two Amazing Toddler Craft Ideas that will serve as gifts too!
- It would not be the holidays without Great Toddler Christmas Cookie Recipes...:)
- Our Christmas "Giving" Contest will be announced. Learn how you can "Give" to receive!
Take Care and I ask for Blessings to be poured over you and your family! Enjoy your Thanksgiving and see you next month....
Blessings, Ingrid ;)