Happy Harvest Time!
Welcome Fall!
Happy Harvest! It is time to celebrate Fall and the Harvest! The leaves are falling, the temperatures are falling....LOL Again I live in Ohio so we feel the chill. The seasons are changing and The Harvest Time is a Blessed Time. This is a great month with FUN activities based on the Harvest Theme! So grab a cup of Hot Cider ;0) and put on your cozy slippers and read this issue of
The Toddler Times!
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October 2010: Issue #0018
Our "Happy Harvest" e-zine will feature:
- It is important to talk about Child Safety and "Stranger Danger" Are you really preparing your child?
- A Harvest Craft that will be FUN for the entire family. "Pumpkin Paper Plates"
- A Yummy Harvest recipe that your entire family will have a "Blast" making......YUM! ;0) Pumpkin Rice Krispies Treats:)
- Our Second Toddlers Are Fun Photo Contest Winner! We have a new sponsor so you will be excited to see the prizes.... Our new contest is announced This contest is so Cool you will have NO CHOICE but to enter WOW! WOW!
Stranger Danger Safety Tips
Child Safety and Stranger Danger
Child Safety is an important issue in today's world. It is important to be aware and prevent any "bad" situations. The dangers of strangers. We hear too many "horror" stories on the news about children being abducted and harmed. I felt this subject was so crucial and I have dedicated a page to this very subject. So please keep reading.
You must first realize that there are people who will prey on your children. Even your toddlers. I feel that this topic is so important and we need to discuss safety with our children at any age. * Remember this requires ongoing constant communication with your child.* Keep your child's age level in mind when you are discussing child safety.
Children at every age should have an understanding of what the word stranger means. There are "good" strangers. Not all strangers are bad. It is important to teach your child the difference. For example when children are lost they need to know whom to turn to if they need help.
Examples of Good Strangers:
- Policemen
- Teachers
- Store Clerks
It is important that your children know whom they can go to if they feel they are being followed or if they feel threatened. Again, CONSTANTLY instill this into your children. Talk about strangers and child safety on a daily basis. Equip your children with the knowledge. It is important.
If they are approached by a “bad” stranger who tries to lure or physically pull them away, the best thing they can do is get the attention of other adults - whether that is by running to the nearest home, or making enough noise to be heard by someone, the vast majority of adults will help a child in danger.
Child Safety Tips
Again these may not apply for toddlers however as soon as your child is able, these tips should be applied. Talk to your children about these tips and why they should use them at all times.
- Make sure that your child knows their name, address, and phone number.
- Have a family password. Ask a stranger what the password is. Do Not go with them if they do not know it.
- Always go places with friends... never alone.
- Trust your instincts – (God places them there for a reason. If you feel you are being followed or something is not right, seek help immediately.
- If a stranger approaches you, you do not have to speak to him or her. NEVER approach a motor vehicle. or get in one for a ride or anything. Just keep walking. Do not accept candy or any other items from a stranger. Never walk off with a stranger no matter what he or she tells you.
- If a person grabs you, do everything you can to stop him or her from pulling you away or dragging you into his or her car. Drop to the ground, kick, hit, bite, and scream. Do whatever it takes to attract the attention of others who can help you. If someone is dragging you away, scream, "this is not my dad," or "this is not my mom."
Thanks to www.childsafety.net for an awesome reference of this information.
Child safety is critical. As parents, we must do our jobs to instill confidence in our children about strangers. We want them to be well informed and know exactly what to do in case of a situation. I pray that nothing ever does, however it is a sad reality and we need to prepare our children as much as possible.

Toddler Craft...
Paper Plate Pumpkins....
- paper plate (any size)
- cardboard cut into a circle
- margarine or ice cream container lid
- orange paint,orange construction paper OR orange tissue paper
- black paint,black construction paper OR a black marker
- Paint your paper plate orange or another option would be to glue orange construction/tissue paper onto it (rip 1 inch of squares of construction/tissue paper and glue. You can make a stem or even cut out the face for the pumpkin or else draw the face with the marker. You can get so creative with this craft and your Toddler will have so much FUN making it! Happy Harvest!
Our Toddler Recipe is.. "Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats" :)
A FUN Toddler recipe :0) Yummy.......
Pumpkin Rice Krispies Treats
Pumpkin Rice Krispies Treats
This recipe is so much FUN for Toddlers and for older children. Not to mention they are so delicious to eat and Fast to make!
- 3 TBSP butter
- orange food coloring (or mix red and yellow food coloring)
- 10 oz. marshmallows
- 6 c. rice krispies
- Melt butter in a sauce pan over medium heat; add food coloring to desired color; then add marshmallows. You may want to add more food coloring once the marshmallows are melted.
- Place the rice krispies in a large bowl. Pour the melted marshmallows over the rice krispies and toss to combine.
- Line a sheet pan with foil and spray foil with cooking spray. Dump rice krispies mixture onto foil. Take a sheet of wax paper and spray it with cooking spray; then cooking spray side down press rice krispies mixture so that the entire pan has a thin layer of mixture, about 1/4 inch thick. Let set for a few hours.
- With Pumpkin cookie cutters, cut out your shapes and decorate.

Toddlers Are Fun Photo Contest Winner!
We have crowned our second winner.. WOW! Have you entered your toddler yet? The new contest has begun and we are anxious to see your toddler shine! Just read below all of the Amazing Prizes you can win!
Toddlers Are Fun Photo Contest Prize Package Includes:
Prize #1
Baby Rock Clothing T-Shirt!
Thanks to Baby Rock Clothes! For being a NEW sponsor to the Toddlers Are Fun toddler photo contest!
So, if you're a Cool, Hip, Stylish Mom or Dad, show the world your Baby has serious style!Baby Clothes, Rock Baby Clothes, Hip Baby Clothes, Baby T-Shirts, Rock, Funny, Punk Baby Clothes and A Unique Baby Gift for the Little Cool Star! Check out this site Baby Rock Clothes The winner of the toddler Photo contest will receive a shirt of their choice as a prize! So enter your toddler today! Prize #2
Buying and Selling Secrets to cash in on E-bay! Information about this e-book:
I have bought and sold on E-bay for years. I have some Amazing secrets to share and the winner will get to read all of them!
To check out The book the winner will receiveClick Here.
Prize #3
Become a Moms Club Member
The winner will get a Free membership for a year to the TAF Moms Club!
To check out The membership and all it's benefits Click Here.
Prize #4
The winner of this contest will be entered into our GRAND Prize "Toddler of The Year Contest" that will end December 31st 2010. The Grand Prize package will be announced later and it will truly be an amazing prize package.
We are so excited about our second contest winner!Our third contest is underway so enter NOW! New Contest ends December 30,2010 so enter today! You could win all of these great prizes! Have you entered your toddler yet? Remember that comments to your child's pictures serve as votes! Click Here To Enter the Contest Today!
Next Month...
Happy Thanksgiving Issue!
- Having Potty training issues? TAF can help..,"
- We will have a "Thankful" craft the entire family will enjoy
- What would thanksgiving be without pumpkin pie? We will have an Amazing Toddler friendly recipe.YUM! ;0)
- Toddlers Are Fun Photo Contest Last chance to enter before the Toddler of The Year Contest!
Take Care and I speak Blessings to be poured over you and your family! Remember to love each other, see you next month....
Ingrid ;0)