Potty Issues Post Potty Training

by Brooke

My daughter is 3 1/2 and has been potty trained for 7 months. Recently she has started having accidents and wetting the bed at night. She has been sitting right next to me, and rather than tell me she has to go potty, she has wet her pants. She has also gone potty, and within 2 minutes, wet her pants. I am concerned because we were doing very well, even waking at night to go for months, and now have reverted back a few steps. We have done a few common sense things like taking liquids away an hour before bed and waking her immediately to go potty in the mornings, but nothing has helped. Any suggestions?

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Potty Training
by: Ingrid Toddlers Are Fun.com

Hello Brooke!

Thank you for your question. I wouldn't worry too much. It is common that during potty training children can have "setbacks". I do have a couple of suggestions that you may want to try.

Try taking the liquids away one hour and a half before bed. Believe it or not that 30 minutes can make a world of difference.

Another great option is to have a "Potty Reward Chart" What you can do is make a chart out of poster board or else you can actually buy an chart. Buy some stickers that your daughter likes too! Have your daughter pick out a sticker and place it on the chart for every DAY that she does not have an accident. When she receives so many stickers in a row then she can get a prize or special treat. It could be a toy she wants or go bowling , get ice cream etc.

These reward charts really work well not only for discipline and chores but also for potty training.
It is a visual aid that shows the child that they are accomplishing something. It worked well for my son. Please keep me updated!

Ingrid Lee

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