Looking for a cheap toddler bed makes sense in lots of ways. The toddler bed is, after all, a transition item, and is only going to be used for two or three years max before your child is ready to move up into a twin bed. Saving the big bunks for that twin bed purchase and buying a budget toddler bed now is a generally money-smart decision.
Toddlers aren’t gentle on their furniture, though, so you do want to find a budget toddler bed that can stand up to a little rough treatment and that will still look nice six months from now. If you’re buying a new bed every six months because the beds you buy are so flimsy they can’t stand up to regular toddler treatment, you won’t be saving any money.
If you are planning on having more children after this toddler grows up, you may also want to consider buying a higher-quality bed that can be passed on to younger siblings as they reach the toddler age. Of course, buying an affordable toddler bed for each of them is another option.
What is the best place to get a cheap toddler bed? Your cheapest option may be to find friends who have little people that have just graduated into ‘real beds’ and are looking to get rid of their toddler bed. Craigslist is another option. If you’d like a new cheap toddler bed, Amazon is probably one of your best options. There are a wide assortment of nice toddler beds available for well under a hundred dollars.
Take the Big Oshi Contemporary Design Toddler Bed, one of your nicer cheap options. This is a wooden bed with clean, modern lines that will add a stylish touch to any room. This bed is solid pine wood, and comes with wooden rails that effectively keep your toddler from rolling out. The bed is low to the ground, so easy to get in and out of. This bed is available in white, espresso, cherry, and natural wood, although some colors have a slightly higher price tag. The paint and finishes are all phthalate-free and non-toxic, so safe for your little one’s room.
If you’d like a steel-and-plastic toddler bed the go-to name is Delta, a manufacturer which produces a line of simple, sturdy toddler beds. These beds are easy to put together and look relatively nice when they’ve been set up, and they are strong enough they should be able to take normal toddler treatment. Many of them are styled after specific movies; usually the customization is as simple as decals which can be removed if desired.. Some Delta Kids options for budget toddler beds include:
May you find the perfect bed for your toddler; a cheap bed that is budget friendly, sturdy, and good to look at!
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