Do You Have An Eco Friendly Home?
Are you aware of the hidden toxins in your household products?
Do you have an eco friendly home? Have you ever taken the time to read the labels on the products in your home right now? You will be shocked when you find out. Believe me I couldn't believe it either. We have decided to share this information with you.
When we buy cleaning and household products we look for what the product does. We never really actually READ the warnings on the labels. These products are dangerous and full of toxins. Yet we just keep continuing to purchase these products. Let’s take a tour of your house & look for Household Toxins!
Let’s check under your bathroom sink and read the labels of your products! Your goal should be to have an eco friendly home, and have eco friendly living, especially when you are done reading this page.
- Toilet Bowl Cleaner - DANGER! Contains hydrochloric acid: which is highly corrosive. Burns the skin, mouth and throat. Causes blindness.
- Basin, Tub & Tile Cleaner - WARNING! Some are flammable. Contains acids that can burn the skin and cause corneal damage. Vapors can cause strong respiratory irritation.
- Tile/Hard Water Spot Remover - WARNING! Contains corrosive acids that can cause moderate burns and irritation to skin and eyes. Vapors can be highly irritating to nose, throat and lungs.
- Window Cleaner -WARNING! Can cause moderate irritation and damage to the eyes. Fumes can be moderately to highly irritating to the lungs. Can irritate the skin.
- Aerosol Air Freshener -WARNING! Contains highly flammable propellants. Can cause moderate irritation to the eyes. Can cause mild to moderate lung irritation, including asthma-like symptoms.
- Aerosol Deodorant - DANGER! Contains highly flammable propellants. Vapors can irritate the lungs and eyes.
- Aerosol Hair Spray - DANGER! Contains highly flammable propellants. Can cause eye damage due to direct contact. Skin irritant. Vapors can cause headache, dizziness, and fatigue.
- Mouthwash - CAUTION! Eye, nose and throat irritant. Ingestion can lead to dizziness and stupor. Most products contain 20% ethyl alcohol. Each year a number of young children die from ingestion.
- Cologne/Perfume - Most scents contain enough alcohol to harm and/or kill a child after ingesting only a few swallows. Many ingredients can irritate the skin and burn the eyes.
- Cosmetics - Cosmetics are second only to cleaning products as a leading cause of poisoning children. They are not regulated like household cleaners and do not have warning labels. Can you believe this? Eco friendly home products are essential for your family.
What’s under your kitchen sink? Do you think your products make up an eco friendly home? Let’s read some labels!
- Disinfectant Cleaner -WARNING! Contains flammable propellants. Can burn skin and cause permanent corneal damage. Fumes can strongly irritate the nose, throat and lungs.
- Powdered Bleach -WARNING! Breathing the dust can produce asthma-like symptoms. Damages eyes and skin. Mixing with ammonia can produce deadly fumes.
- Floor Cleaner -WARNING! Contains corrosive acids that can cause moderate burns and irritation to skin and eyes. Can burn mouth and throat. Can cause blindness.
- Scouring Powder with Bleach -WARNING! Can cause moderate irritation to skin. Can burn mouth and throat. Can cause permanent eye damage. Gives off irritating fumes when wet.
- Drain Cleaner -WARNING! Burns mouth, tongue, throat, and stomach, causing permanent damage. Can cause severe eye damage and blindness.
- Automatic Dishwashing Liquid -WARNING! Strong skin irritant. Can burn throat. Many products contain bleach which can cause swelling and tearing of eye tissue. Vapors can cause headaches.
- Automatic Dishwashing Powder -WARNING! Strong eye and skin irritant. Contains corrosive bleach that can burn mouth and throat. Most common reported poison among children.
- Dishwashing Liquid -CAUTION! Possible skin irritant. Can cause swelling and tearing of eye tissue. Vapors can cause labored coughing, labored breathing, and in severe cases, death.
- Oven Cleaner - DANGER! Contains lye which is highly corrosive. Burns the skin, mouth, throat and stomach. Causes permanent blindness.
Laundry Room:
What do you put in your clean clothes? Have you ever asked yourself this question. Eco friendly home products are worth investing in. Green cleaning products are the best!
- Liquid Laundry Detergent -WARNING! Strong eye irritant, can cause corneal damage. Can irritate the skin. Vapors can cause coughing, labored breathing, and in severe cases, death.
- Powdered Laundry Detergent -WARNING! Can burn the skin and eyes, can cause corneal damage. Dust can cause headaches, dizziness, labored breathing and in severe cases, death.
- Liquid Fabric Softeners -CAUTION! Mild eye irritant. Skin irritant. Vapors can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, labored breathing, and in severe cases, death. Can aggravate asthma symptoms.
- Fabric Softener Sheets -CAUTION! Possible skin irritant. Can irritate eyes. Vapors can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and in severe cases, death.
- Liquid Bleach -DANGER! Causes severe eye injuries. Can damage mouth, throat, and stomach. Vapors irritate the nose, throat and lungs.
Are you wishing you had an eco friendly home yet?
Other Household Cleaners:
Everything else you use to clean with. The dangers of not having an eco friendly home products is shocking.
- Powdered Carpet Deodorizer - CAUTION! Contact with skin can produce mild irritation. Contact with eyes can cause abrasive eye damage. Dust can irritate the lungs and aggravate asthma symptoms.
- Furniture Polish - DANGER! Contact with the skin can dissolve vital skin oils and cause severe dermatitis (skin burns). Can permanently injure eyes.
- Stainless Steel Cleaner - DANGER! Can burn the eyes and skin. Vapors can cause headaches, dizziness and stupor.
- Aerosol Dusting Spray - DANGER! Flammable. Irritates the eyes, lungs. 5,000 people visit emergency rooms each year with an aerosol can-related injury.
- Brass, Copper, Silver Polish - WARNING! Can cause moderate eye and skin damage and burns. Fumes can cause headaches, dizziness and stupor.
- Carpet Shampoo -WARNING! Can cause moderate to severe burns to eyes and skin. Vapors can irritate the nose, throat and lungs.
- Carpet Stain Remover - WARNING! Can cause moderate to severe damage to eyes and skin. Vapors can cause respiratory distress.
- Upholstery Stain Remover - WARNING! Can cause moderate to severe damage to skin and eyes. Ingesting can lead to abdominal tenderness and bleeding.
The labels on products only have to warn of the acute (immediate) harms from ingesting a product, breathing the fumes, or contact with the eyes and skin. They don't reveal the harms presented by chronic (long-term) exposure to the chemicals in these products. Now see the long-term risks presented by the chemical-laden products in your home. As you can see above, many household cleaners are very dangerous. They are just as dangerous when they are used properly and even when they are not being used at all. Most products "outgas" chemical vapors that may produce profound chronic harms.
After reading this information, going GREEN sounds like the right decision. Don't you think? I couldn't believe this information. Pay more attention to your labels. We have a GREEN Mom on staff and she would be glad to help you with buying eco friendly home products. Contact Tina Now! Your family is worth it.
All information comes from actual manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheets and National Poison Control Centers. We are providing this information to help you obtain an eco friendly home.
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