My Daughter Engages In Excessive Role-Playing

by Cassandra Christ
(Grossenbuch, Germany)

My 3-year old likes to pretend she's someone else (mostly a princess or Peter Pan). She likes to give everyone around her a role to play also. This is fun every once in a while - even once a day - but lately she's been doing it all the time. Today she and I were Peter Pan and Wendy (respectively) for 8 hours. I think this might be too much, but I'm not sure. And if it is, I'm really not sure what to do about it.

I should add that I'm a single mother living and raising her abroad, that she is an only child and that there have been no recent upheavals or changes in our lives or schedules.

Any advice?

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It's Normal!
by: Ingrid

Dear Cassandra,

Role playing is normal and healthy. It's one of the ways kids learn to identify with other people's thoughts and feelings. It's a good thing. The only suggestion I would have is the amount of time that she wants to engage in these roles. It is fine to set boundaries. If role playing goes on for hours then say to her "It's time for "your daughter's name" to come home now because her Mom needs her to help with a very important task." You could have her help with the cooking or find a special task for her to do. This may help break up an 8 hour long role playing situation.

Another option is to try asking her how she feels. Ask her why she wants to be Peter Pan or a Princess. Even at that young of an age we can teach our children how to process what they are feeling just by asking them. There may be a feeling she is feeling or else she may just love and relate to the characters. Either way she has a great imagination which means she is very creative! Are you and your daughter both from Germany?

Thanks for Sharing!
Toddlers Are Fun

Thanks Ingrid- some more background info
by: Anonymous

Hi Ingrid,
Thank you for your advice, first off.
I will definately apply it starting today.
I am from the States, but she was born here. She has both an American and German passports. As I teach English and intercultural training, I am trained to assess behavior in regards to verbal and non verbal communicative forms. I have noticed that my daughter tends to follow more the American forms (etiquette and so on). Since all our American family members are so far away, I really don't have the chance to ask anyone for the advice on certain matters that makes sense to us, so I am very happy to have found your website and am sure I will be using it often!
Again, many thanks and best regards!
Cassandra & Cecilia

by: Anonymous

Hi C:-)

I think it´s totally normal that you both are in such a role in life. You both deserve the best. God knows you´ve had the worst. You´re a great person and I have always been proud to know you. It was also a pleasure to know your daughter for a short time. I hope you´re doing ok. Take care of the both of you.

Peter Pan! <4
by: Peter Pan Forever! <3

I think that she has a very creative imagination! I for one am absolutely in love with Peter Pan and I am actually jealous that she is role playing so much and im not! :( I think that it is great for her to be using her imagination1 Always keep that great imagination goig! Let both of you live the fantasy! <3

Is it role playing?
by: Dino's Mommy

My four years old son has been obsessed with dinosaurs for some time now. Before it was Thomas The Tank Engine that he was into. Now he is over Thomas Train.

Now a days he acts as a dinosaur most of the time by his gestures and making sounds. He wants to be a mommy dinosaur & I understand why. Since the mommy dino in his favorite show is very active.
He loves to watch Dinosaur Train show on PBS.

He also invites others to take part in his role playing as dinosaurs. Obviously not all the kids are keen about dinosaurs and he has to face a lot of disappointment in this regard. However, elders around him such as his aunts and uncles and even some teachers have been very encouraging in his passion and love for dinosaurs.

He regularly receives gifts based on dinosaurs. He has been saying he wishes to be a dinosaur when he grows up:). He knows a lot about dinosaurs and through dinos' TV shows and picture books he has learnt so many other things that his teachers and others are amazed.

However, today his daycare teacher expressed concern for him for acting like a dino all the time. She found him licking a tree trunk like a dino while playing with his friends.

She expressed her concern very loudly in front of the whole class of my son. I felt embarrassed and bad for my son. Now I am getting worried for him. Should I be? Is it role playing or something else?

Hi Cassandra NEW
by: Christopher ivy

Hi Cassandra, It's a suprise I found you here. Just by chance. I didn't want to lose contact. Please reach me at
Your old friend from Rothenburg.

She is Lovely !!! NEW
by: Max Ted

HAHA!!!. Don’t worry Cassandra. This is just normal. She must be a very active child. Maybe she is going to be a big Beverly Diamonds Complaints artist when she turns into an adult. And you are going to be very proud of her.

role playing NEW
by: Brenda

Even my daughter who is 2 year old is very active and she gets herself involved in everything we do. She started caring a lot for me and her mom. She predicts the next step we are going to do and acts accordingly. Recently, we wrote an essay writing service reviews about our daughter and posted in many local sites.

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