Na'ila Jade 3 Years Old

by Victoria Millar
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

Looking so big on the computer!

Looking so big on the computer!

Na'ila is a very good baby. She is my first baby girl and soon to be a big sister. She is very grown up for being only 3. I believe it's due to always being around older kids. Hopefully preschool will bring her back to age. I don't mind her being mature, but don't want her to grow up faster than she is. She has a one of a kind personality. After starting preschool this year, she'll be joining a preforming arts school for K-12. She is quite the actress, model, singer, song writer and dancer! Her name means achiever and I see a lot of success in my baby girls future!!! Thank you to all that took interest in my baby and support her for all her potential!!!

Your Child Should Be A Model

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by: Anonymous

Absolutely a beautiful and talented young lady. Wish her luck in her endeavors.

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by: Naina

I am very happy read these sentences about your cute baby Nai’la. From your words I could understand how much you are proud of your baby. senior living colorado springs Thank you very much for sharing this post here!

Na'ila Jade 3 Years Old NEW
by: Anonymous

Naila is so adorable and i truly liked her. I really believe that toddlers are always fun. I do best dissertation writing and i would say this is the best place for parenting tips. I hope her birthday went well.

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