National Poison Prevention Week
by Tina Keller - Your Mom of GREEN Expert
CALL POISON CONTROL 24/7 for Help & First Aid
National Poison Prevention Week. It's March 14-20, 2010. Did you know that there is a National Poison Prevention Week? I didn't! This is something I just found out about and I think it's WONDERFUL!!
There are two themes this year for National Poison Prevention Week.
Theme #1: Children Act fast.... So do Poisons!
Theme #2: Poisonings Span a Lifetime
This would be a great time to talk with your children about poisons!
Here are a few ideas for National Poison Prevention Week:
-Post the Poison Center Number by your phones 1-800-222-1222
-Program the Poison Center Number into your cell phone
-ALWAYS call medicine by it's name, NEVER call it Candy!
-Store all Products in original containers, NEVER put them in food or beverage containers
-If you use dangerous cleaning products, store & lock them out of sight of children
-Lock all cabinets with child proof safety latches that lock when you close the door
-If the doorbell or phone rings, take children with you, do NOT leave a child unattended even for a minute if you have any cleaning or personal care products out! (Children act fast, So do Poisons!)
-Put dangerous cleaning or personal care products away immediately after use
-Keep poisonous plants out of reach of children & Pets--better yet, don't even bring them into your home! For a list of poisonous plants call 1-800-222-1222.
"A child is accidentally poisoned every 30 seconds at home..."
-U.S. Poison Control Centers
Let's All work together to prevent Poisonings!
CALL: 1-800-222-1222
When you dial this number, your call will be routed to the local poison center in your area.
Your local poison control center will be happy to assist you in any way!