It’s someone’s birthday, and you want to make that special, personalized toddler gift. A gift that breaks the ranks of the regular toy store plastic that’ll be amassed—wrapped in wrapping paper and tied with ribbons or pretty strings—at one special toddler’s birthday party or Christmas celebration.
Finding special present may be difficult for parents, and it is especially hard for those with more a cursory acquaintance with a special toddler. How to find that perfect, special toddler present? A personalized gift just may be the one thing that stands out among all the other generic presents the little person will be getting.
• Print out special pictures of the toddler having fun with his or her favorite people, then insert them in a toddler-safe album like Baby’s My First Photo Album of Family and Friends.Any toddler will enjoy a book in which he is chief player!
• Buy a set of bright colored t-shirts and some t-shirt markers and write fun messages on the front. “Here is Jayden”, “Jayden is cool”, “Jayden is the best”. Toddlers have none of the shyness about proclaiming their own names that other children might, and a tshirt that makes them feel important is pretty much up there.
These days you don’t need to be an avid DIY-er in order to be able to gift your special toddler with a personalized present. Many fun gifts can be ordered online. Here are two fun options:
Toddlers enjoy vehicles they can pull around on strings, and a train with numerous wagons is extra special. Customize that by getting a wooden alphabet train with letters that spell the toddler’s name—a name train, it’s called. A little toddler will enjoy putting the letters together in various permutations and pulling it around. When he learns his letters, he’ll enjoy using it to spell out his name. His parents may also want to enshrine it on a shelf in the bedroom as a special decoration!
How many letters are in your toddler friends names? You can get---
• An eight letter name train
Another fun personalize present for toddler is a personalized backpack. All my toddlers have loved having a bag they can put all their special treasures in when going hitch-hiking around the house; a backpack that can be worn is especially toddler friendly. And the Stephen Joseph toddler backpacks, which can be ordered personalize on Amazon, are some of the cutest toddler backpacks there are available.
• Personalized Stephen Joseph Silly Monkey Sidekick Backpack
Of course, this is only the beginning—nearly every toddler gift can be personalized, if you’re willing to go through a little trouble for it! Have fun surprising someone special!
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