Tips for Selling on Ebay

If you’re looking for tips for selling on Ebay you’ve come to the right place. “Recycling” on Ebay is a wonderful way of turning what you don’t want any more into a cash source,  and it means that someone else will be able to use and enjoy what you no longer want. These tips will help you make the best of the opportunity you have to ‘set up store’ without renting any real estate. 

Those toddler clothes your toddler just barely used, the toys that were given on a birthday or Christmas but which your child never really got into; all these things can fetch a price on Ebay. Then the money can be converted into something you and your toddler actually want and need. 

Helpful Tips for Selling on Ebay

Tip #1: Write Detailed Descriptions! My first in this list of  tips for selling on ebay is a very important one. If someone buys an item from you and is disappointed in it for valid reasons, Ebay will make you give the money back. That’s why it’s very important to list any and all defects. Don’t sugarcoat anything; be square. If you are selling used clothes, list any and all tears, stains, or frayed edges.  

Tip # 2: Take lots of pictures! Ebay allows you to post a number of additional photos beside the main one in the listing, so make sure you’ve got enough pictures up that no-one can imagine the item you are selling is anything but what it is.  Posting both a front and back view, at minimum, is a good idea for most items.

Tip #3: Take good pictures! Ebay is a very visual site, and the people who browse your listing will have been drawn to it through your photograph.  Consider taking your item outside or to an area with good lighting to get a well-lit, clear picture. Use a simple background that doesn’t show much of your house; a sheet is fine. If you can’t seem to make a camera do what you want it to, ask someone to take pictures for you.

Tip #4: Spend some time on the title: After the picture, that title is the next thing a shopper sees. Make it concise, informative, and attractive. 

Tip #5: Start Cheap: The cheaper your auction starts, the more interest will be generated. Be aware, though, that if not very many people are interested in what your selling you may have to let it go for a bargain price. 

Tip #6 Watch your keywords: Think about the buyer and what he’ll be writing in that search box, and make sure you use those words both in your title and description. 

Tip #7: Don’t rely on the web interface:  Use Ebay’s free bulk uploader and lister, Turbo Lister, to make as many high-quality listings as you need offline before put them up.

Tip #8: Time your closings well: Choose a day that many people will be online shopping, such as Sunday, to close your auctions. The last two hours are the time when you can expect the most bids, so make sure those two hours are scheduled strategically.

Tip # 9: Watch your reputation: Be careful how you deal with the world on Ebay, as any misstep will come back to haunt you. Many buyers check a seller’s star rating before they decide to make a purchase, so on Ebay, personal opinions matter.  

Tip # 10: Pack Professionally: If the item gets broken, scuffed, or otherwise hurt in transport, you are responsible. Make sure you pack your item carefully so there’s no chance of any problems, and write the address in clear, bold lettering. Double check that address before you stick the package in the post, too!

So there you have it: my top ten tips for selling on Ebay. If you have more advice or tips on this topic, I’d love to hear them! Just leave a comment below.

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