Toddler Eating Disorder

by Brenda

I have a four-year-old daughter that has some sort of issue with eating. I want to be sure it's not a toddler eating disorder. I'm feeling desperate for advise today, as I have many times before with her. She had issues as a baby in that she could not keep her formula down, but she's over that by now. I cannot seem to get her to eat a normal meal at normal times of the day like my other two children.

She wants to skip meals or just refuse to cooperate. She is a very small frame child and was always in the 2 percentile category. The doctor has made me a maniac pretty much and made me feel like I was feeding her inadequately due to her size or not giving her enough options for foods.

Believe me, the kid has more options presented to her than the president as far as food goes. She was always diagnosed as "failure to thrive". I've tried all of the usual tricks like adding cream to everything to get her extra calories, but she just doesn't like cream, butter, or even bread for that matter.

She does like her veggies and fruits (not to mention candy even though I try to limit this because I know she needs something good in her diet) but she simply does not like high-calorie foods and won't even consider liquid diet suppliments like instant breakfast type of things. I'm at my witts end this morning. All she wants to eat are noodles.

I could not get her to eat her breakfast for the life of me and she wouldn't even do it for a treat like going to the playground. I don't know what to do from here and I know she's frustrated with me for trying to get her to eat all the time.

I've stressed the importance of eating food to her but she keeps asking me "why"? We didn't go to the playground and I let her know that it was because she refused to eat this morning. She has proven to me time and time again that she cannot keep from throwing tantrums when she does not eat.

She has thrown tantrums every time she doesn't eat before we go to preschool.....and that's why I didn't take her and her two siblings to the playground today other than the fact that I just want her to eat something. I gave her a "time-out" for not eating breakfast and I feel guilty about it now.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Meal Times should be fun!!
by: Anonymous

Hello dear,

You are not alone with this issue.. I too(and many others must be) have this issue with my daughter who is 2 year old now.She is also a fussy/picky eater and has been like that from infancy onwards..she just would not take the formula or other food for kids..

She just refused to eat and even taste..and thrived on breast milk MIL intervened and forced her to eat..and she tried some extreme measures too...the more she was forced to eat, the more she refused and got averted to food. She developed a strong dislike for food.

So i thought over the issue and solution...and felt that before getting her into eating good food, she must be developed a liking for eating and food. I took a very different approach. The main points are:

1.Never force food for the kid. It will only cause her much dislike for the food

2.Kids differ a lot in food habits. All kids need not eat the same food always.So respect her personality also.Just imagine how it would be if we are forced to eat things which we hate!!

3.Give her watever she likes in the first few days

4.Slowly and carefully introduce new food to her.Don't force her.Just let her try and she may like it. Even if she doesn't like,leave it. Try the same next time in some other form.

5.For the kid to get some nutrients, need not have to eat only 1 item. Try alternatives for it. There may be something which she likes.For eg., if she doesn't like cream, try some other item which provides the same nutrients and quality.

My kid loves fruits and vegetables as finger foods and it meets some of her nutrient requirements. She is not getting fatter in this diet but am not much bothered about that)

6.You have said that she likes noodles and veggies..why don't u try to include more veggies into her noodle and thus make it nutrient rich.

7.Try to make her food time fun and not a time of torture.

Slowly but surely she will start eating....
She may be having a different food habit but she will start enjoying her meal times...

The ultimate thing is not a fat plump kid..but an active and alert kid!!!

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