3 yr old vomiting with no other symptoms

by Ann

My son is 3 years old. 3 nights ago he ate super and a couple of hours later he said his stomach hurt. I asked him where and he pointed at his belly, up high kinda under the rib cage area. About 30-45 min. later he vomits and says he feels better. Tonight the same thing happened. He ate about 7:00pm and was belching after he ate. He started complaining that his belly hurt and said he needed to do #2, he never did. About 9:30pm he voimts and says he feels better. He is running around, eating cereal, no fever or other sick symptoms. What could be going on?

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Toddler Vomiting
by: Ingrid from Toddlers Are Fun

Hello Ann,

Toddlers can be funny about eating and vomiting. It can be that they have eaten too much, or else something can "disagree" with their bellies. My first question is "Does he have regular bowel movements?" He really should be eliminating 1 to 2 times per day.

I also would ask what kind of diet is he on? This matters a great deal.

If the episodes continue you may want to take him to the doctor just to be safe.


following up NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't know when this was posted, but what ended up being wrong with him? This is similiar to my son now. He threw up yesterday morning at 6am, was fine with liquids and had a few bites of a sandwich yesterday, then woke up this morning and threw up again. I don't know why over 24 hours later he threw up again.

3 1/2 year old sick NEW
by: Anonymous

This is the exact thing happening at my house right. Ow daughter 3 1/2 threw up last night after Dinner has been fine all day today eating drinking , eat dinner threw up again 24hrs i between throughing up ? Anyone no what this could be

Vomiting 24 hours later. No symptoms. NEW
by: Quinn Penner

This is happening at my house at 430-445am the last two days. First night she didn't have anything in her stomach so it was bile. She had a brand new package of hot dogs(organic and crap) (it was her choice for dinner! Haha) opened, cooked properly and eaten at 630pm. I swear that's just what she threw up. That seems like a long time to be sitting around in her stomach. She didn't eat more or less than she normally does at dinner time and she ate everything in her lunch at daycare. My thought is gastro, but that would be more vomiting. Or heatstroke would be my next guess...it has been like 32 degrees here. But she has diarrhea too. Probably for the last 3 days. Hasn't eaten anything out of the ordinary. Oh I just remembered she randomly told me she ate dirt. But I don't think she actually did. Can't rule it out I guess. Let me know how long this goes on for, if you have any insight! Thanks in advance.

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