Toddler Boy Dress Clothes

It’s always fun dressing your little one in toddler boy dress clothes. They can transform your usually grimy faced, t-shirt and shorts wearing little boy into something that looks like it stepped out of a fashion magazine. It can make him seem much older—or like a child from another place or era. 

You won’t want your toddler in dress clothes regularly; toddlers need to be able to get dirty and move freely, so ideal toddler wear is casual, easy-wash clothing. Every now and then, though, you may want to dress your little boy up. 

What do dress clothes for boys consist of? There are two main subcategories:

• Formal wear – a mini version of men’s formal wear, these suits are worn at weddings and fancy dress grown-up receptions, but not much else. 

• Semi-causal dress clothes for boys —‘nice’ clothing that is still more comfortable than formal wear, and also easier to wash when it gets dirty. Semi-causal works well for church, holiday gatherings, and photo-shoots, and you can even get away with dressing your toddler in semi-causal for most weddings. 

Toddler’s Formal Wear

Spring Notion Baby Boys' 5 Piece Pinstriped Vest Set

Toddler’s formal wear would consist of a little suit, a white shirt, white socks and dress shoes. Make sure the suit jacket you choose is not too tight around the shoulders, or your toddler will be whining for permission to take it off before you have got out the door.  The white shirt should be soft and not scratchy, and if you plan to wear it more than once you’ll want to find something easy to launder. Add a little toddler clip-on tie or bow tie for a personal touch. 

Semi-causal Toddler Boy Dress Clothes

There’s a wider variety in the types of clothing you can choose from if you’re buying your toddler semi-causal dress clothes. Khaki pants go well with almost any nice shirt, and you can make that khaki shorts on hot summer days. In shirts you can choose from nice button downs, polo shirts, or, in winter, turtlenecks. White sneakers offer a good finish.

Playfulness is fun in toddler clothes but for dress clothes you may want to tone down the ‘cutesy’ affect and go for darker, more muted colors.  Of-course, if you’re looking for dress clothes for a photo shoot cute might be more what you’re looking for, and the younger your child is, the more freedom you have in choosing his style of dress outfit. 

Always buy a little roomy--- large toddler clothes always look better than clothes that are just a bit small, and your toddler is growing even as you read this. Budget for your little boy's dress clothes with the length of time your toddler will be able to wear a particular suit in mind. 

Discount Toddler Boy Dress Clothes

Since a suit of dress clothes is not worn for long before a toddler grows out of it, you can often find quality dress clothes for your toddler at a good second hand store. It makes sense to buy second hand here especially as your toddler will also probably only get a few uses out of the clothes before they need to be passed on again. 

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