Toddler Tantrum In The Worst Way

by Amy

Hi, First off i would like to say thank you for this amazing website...i have been having some trouble with the way i should be disciplining my 2 1/2 year old daughter and i think and hope your methods work for her, im going to try then and keep you posted on my progress but as of yet your website seems to give me the answers i have been longing for.

I do however need some help with one more thing. She has an older sister who is 4 1/2 and my 2 1/2 picks on and bully's her...i know sounds odd how the youngest picks on the oldest but she constantly pinching kicking or biting her and my oldest does not enjoy this behavior from her younger sister one bit. Do you have any advice on how i could possibly stop her from doing this?? She's easily triggered for tantrums and i get so unbelievably frustrated and feel like i am doing everything terribly wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for such a wonderful site :)

~ AMy D

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What You Can Do
by: Ingrid from Toddlers Are Fun

Dear Amy,

I would first like to thank you so much for the compliment pertaining to my site Toddlers Are Fun. I am humbled and glad that you have found your needed information regarding your toddler here. I wish you all of the best and I hope that my site continues to help with all of your family's needs. Having a 3 year old myself I understand and can certainly relate to your problems. I would like to try and answer your question the best way I can regarding your 2 1/2 year old bullying their older sibling.

For starters, toddlers will take any kind of attention even if it is negative. Your 2 1/2 year old may be feeling neglected by their older sibling. So when your child bites, kicks and pinches they are getting an immediate response from their older sibling. I have a page on toddler biting the link is below:

Toddler Biting:

There is some useful information on this page that may help. Biting, kicking and pinching should not be tolerated on any level. You may want to consider a time out. Time outs should be given immediately after the act. So if she bites her sister you should immediately take her to time out. My site also offers an Excellent page about Time Out Rules.

Time Out Rules:

I also would like to point out about their personalities as well. If your older child is passive and shy or complacent by nature, your toddler will pick up on that. Your toddler sounds a lot like mine, very high strung, independent and fiesty!! A child with these mannerisms will tend to pick on those who are not as fiesty.... even if the other child in question is older. I have a quick example to share with you, if you don't mind.

My son was 2 at the time when we went on a trip to an indoor water park. By accident, another child slipped and knocked my step son who is 8 years old over in the water. This child looked approximately 11 or 12 years old. Well this 12 year old was very shy and you could tell he felt bad because it truly was an accident. Well my 2 year old ran and charged him and started screaming and hitting the child because he felt like he hurt his brother. He even went as far as to point his finger and tell him "Don't do that again!!".....LOL

Can you imagine? I was so embarrassed, but I realized later and talked about it with my husband. My 2 year old son picked up that this child was shy and he knew he could get away with the bullying at the time. His actions were wrong, but his intentions were good. He felt like he was protecting his brother. I think that is a similar situation in your case. Your 2 1/2 year old wants more of your older child's attention and love but her actions are wrong. It will get better Amy. It will, it will just take some time. They will always have some sort of sibling rivalry, that is normal.

Best Regards,

by: essay writer

Keep up your work:)
essay writer

Not a big problem NEW
by: Anonymous

This is not a big problem as children keep fighting eachother and its a kind of thier play. HOwever, the admin have provided a good advice but if you need more you can just get in touch with write my custom paper for me in order to get a detailed answer to your question.

children NEW
by: Chtis

they are still young so it's normal to fight at this age
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